Welcome to Our Lady of the Valley Church, Canoga Park
Ministry: Our Ministries are public services rendered by Members of our Church. It is the works of those gifted with charisma and are appointed by our church to act in the name of Christ and of the Church with a view to continue the mission of Christ.
The following are the different ministries that are found are at Our Lady of the Valley. If you wish to become a member of a ministry or need further information, please contact the the Parish Center office: (818) 592-2880.
Please leave your name, number and which ministry you are interested in:
Altar Servers
Altar Care Society
Music Ministry
Filipino Choir
Catechist English
Liturgy of the Word
Divine Mercy Devotion
Eucharist Ministers and Ushers
Bible Study
Filipino Ministry
Health Ministry
Legion of Mary
Pro Life
Senior Club
Ultreya Cursillo
Society of St. Vincent de Paul